Nov 18, 2022

Why choose an eco-friendly copywriter? Your business and the Earth will thank you.


Why copywriting and saving the Earth go hand in hand

Copywriting is not a passive role.

When you are crafting copy for a business, you are crafting the very words that drive people to take action.

Words are spells.

You are incentivizing an audience to engage, click, purchase, or sign up. In effect, you are using your skills of persuasive wordsmithing to affect an individual's behavior.

Copywriters have an immense influence on people's buying choices.

As I'm sure you already know, writing good copy ensures more conversions, brand engagement, and overall traffic.

If you're writing copy for a brand that is actively causing damage to our beloved planet, you are choosing to support extractive and destructive practices versus supporting businesses doing the good work to uplift the planet.

The Earth needs our help, and copywriters play a major role in this.

Here's why...

Conservation in Florida Manatee
Photo via Conservation Florida/Russell Satterthwaite

What is Copywriting?

First, let's define copywriting, shall we?

According to Google, copywriting is defined as the following: "the activity or occupation of writing the text of advertisements or publicity material."

Now that we've cleared that up, let's get into what sustainable or eco-friendly copywriting is.

Essentially, sustainable copywriting is writing ad copy, social media copy, web copy, blog posts, or any other type of copywriting that serves as an advertisement or written content for mission-oriented and sustainable brands.

Conscious and eco-friendly brands need their message heard.

The health of our planet depends on it.

As a purpose-driven business, you can have an incredible message and mission, however, if you're not communicating it correctly and to the right people, your message gets lost...

Businesses focused on uplifting people and the planet need their message to be heard.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that they need their message heard more than the unsustainable brands.

Why contribute to the degradation of the Earth when we can contribute to the regeneration of our beloved home planet?

Why Sustainability? Why Eco-Friendly?

Ultimately, it is up to us to create the future that we want.

Every choice we make, every buying decision, will have a major impact on the longevity and future of Mother Earth.

It is up to us to choose to regenerate the Earth instead of participating in its extraction.

As consumers, we have power.

Our buying choices matter, and they impact the health and well-being of the Earth for generations to come.

There are businesses out there already that can help you to live in a more sustainable way.

The Rainforest Alliance, for example, helps both individuals and businesses to live more sustainably.

Choosing sustainable brands and products helps society to move toward the regeneration of the Earth, and copywriters play a huge role in ensuring the right businesses grow, and the extractive ones fall off the face of the Earth...literally.

The Importance of Copywriting

As copywriters, we have the ability to encourage people to take action.

Our writing is both powerful and influential.

That's why we employ psychology to persuade buyers to make a decision.

As writers with an incredible amount of power, we should yield it accordingly.

Being an ethical copywriter means you can stand behind the brands you help to grow and spread their message.

Words are powerful tools.

You can either use them to promote businesses that are active participants in degradation and climate change, or you can use the power of your words to uplift the businesses that are working towards a better future for all of us.

Looking for a copywriter with experience in sustainability and purpose-driven brands?

Look no further!

Book your discovery call today.